KTP crystal-titanium oxygen potassium phosphate

KTP potassium titanium oxygen phosphate (KTiOPO4, KTP) is a double frequency crystal with excellent performance, and is widely used in commercial and military lasers, including laboratories, medical systems, range detectors, lidar, optical communications and industrial laser systems.

Product Description

KTP potassium titanium oxygen phosphate (KTiOPO4, KTP) is a double frequency crystal with excellent performance, and is widely used in commercial and military lasers, including laboratories, medical systems, range detectors, lidar, optical communications and industrial laser systems.

Main Features

Large nonlinear optical coefficient

Large receiving angle and small discrete angle

Wide temperature range and Wide spectral range

High photoelectric coefficient and low dielectric constant

Large resistance ratio

No water absorption, stable chemical and mechanical properties 

Material Properties

Crystal structureOrthorhombic   crystal system, space group Pna 21, Point group mm2
Crystal lattice parametersa=6.404Å,   b=10.616Å, c=12.814Å, Z=8
Melting point1172 ℃
Mohs hardness5
Density3.01 g/cm3
Thermal conductivity13W/m/K
Thermal expansion   coefficientax=11x10-6/℃,ay=9x10-6/℃,az=0.6x10-6/℃

Optical and nonlinear optical properties:

Transparent   band range350~4500nm
SHG   phase-matching range497 ~   1800nm  (Type II)
Thermal Light   Coefficient (/℃)dnx/dT=1.1X10-5dny/dT=1.3X10-5dnz/dT=1.6X10-5
Absorbance   index<0.1%/cm at 1064nm    <1%/cm at 532nm
Type II SHG /   Nd:YAG @ 1064nmTemperature   reception: 24°C · cmSpectral   reception: 0.56nm · cmAngle   reception: 14.2mrad · cm (φ); 55.3mrad · cm (θ)Discrete angle:   0.55°
Nonlinear   coefficientdeff(II)≈(d24-   d15)sin2φsin2θ - (d15sin2φ+ d24cos2φ)sinθ
Non vanised   nonlinear magnetization   coefficientd31=6.5   pm/V             d24=7.6 pm/Vd32= 5   pm/V            d15=6.1 pm/Vd33=13.7 pm/V
Sellmeier   equation( λ/μ M)nx2=3.0065+0.03901/(λ2-0.04251)-0.01327λ2ny2=3.0333+0.04154/(λ2-0.04547)-0.01408λ2nz2=3.3134+0.05694/(λ2-0.05658)-0.01682λ2

Typical applications:

Laser with frequency doubling Nd: YAG and other Nd doped crystals

KTP is also being used for mixing 810nm diode pump light and 1064nm Nd: YAG laser to generate blue light, and for intracavity frequency doubling with 1300nm light from Nd: YAG laser or Nd: YAP laser

Optical parametric amplification and oscillation (OPO and OPA)

Amplification of pump light generated by X-cut KTP crystals using non critical phase matching KTP crystals

Its insulation characteristics make it widely used in E-O, especially as an adjustable E-O device. Due to its high damage threshold, wide optical transmission band (>15GHz), stable thermal and chemical properties, and low absorption, LiNbO3 crystal is more suitable for E-O devices compared to LiNbO3 crystal

Optical waveguide application:

Product Parameters

Wavefront distortion≦λ/8 @ 633nm
Dimensional tolerance(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.5mm/-0.1mm)(L≥2.5mm)(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.1mm/-0.1mm)(L<2.5mm)
Optical aperture≧90%
Flatnessλ/8 @ 633nm
Verticality≦5 ′
Angular deviation△θ≦0.25°,△φ≦0.25°
Damage threshold (GW / cm2)> 10 @1064nm, TM 00,10ns,   10H z (polished only)> 1 @1064nm, TEM 00,10ns,   10H z (AR coated)> 0.5 @532nm, TEM 00,10ns,   10H z (AR coated)
Quality guarantee periodNormal use within one year
